Ad Rates

Do you see that space at the top of the page, where it says OUR BEST FRIENDS? Wouldn't you love to be one of OUR BEST FRIENDS?

The way to do this is to buy ad space. Our current rates are:

  • One week - $10, 468 x 60
  • One month - $30, 468 x 60

What do you get out of all this?

  • Philanthropy! We use the money to pay our writers and our site costs.
  • Exposure! The Fiction Circus has 300-400 unique visitors on any given day. On some days, roughly twice a month, our crack team of social isolate viral marketers give the Fiction Circus 20,000 unique visitors a day.

    This means: assuming that, like most banner ads, our ad space directly below our masthead what are we even thinking has a 1% click-through rate, this statistically guarantees your site three or four visitors that you didn't already have—except on the days when it statistically guarantees your site 200 visitors that you didn't already have.

    Assuming the worst, however, you are paying $30 for 90-100 souls per month, or $10 for 25 souls per week. I think that is cheaper than the rates offered by Chichikov, the nihilistic protagonist of Gogol's Dead Souls, for the legal rights to peasants struck down by plague, hunger, and the merciless Russian winters. In short: profit!

  • Consternation! Do you have a problem with our content? Chances are someone else does as well and is complaining about it on the Internet—which means click-throughs for you!
  • Class! Be associated with literature! Go to heaven!

If this sounds like too much money, you are welcome to bid on our Project Wonderful ads below the break for substantially less. But the Project Wonderful ads fluctuate a great deal—if you buy banner ad space from us, no one will take it from you. You get to keep your toy for the entire recess.

For more information, please contact [email protected].

The Gallery at LPR
158 Bleecker St., New York, NY
Tuesday, August 5th, 2014

All content c. 2008-2009 by the respective authors.

Site design c. 2009 by sweet sweet design