How to Submit Stories to The Fiction Circus
  • Our submissions queue and submissions process is completely transparent and open to the public. We are unique in this as a literary magazine. You will see what we see. You will know what we know.

    To submit a story, go here and follow the instructions on the right-hand side of the page.

    NOTE: Stories that attract lots of votes will not necessarily be published, and stories that seem to be ignored by the majority might achieve instant transcendence. Your ever-watchful Fiction Circus editors have strange tastes and precarious whims.

Advanced Guidelines

  • We like to publish illustrations along with the stories we accept. If we accept you for publication on, we'll ask you if you have any illustrations you'd like to use or any illustrators you'd like to use to illustrate your stories. If not, we can do the illustrations ourselves. This is a bridge that we will cross together if we like your work. Do not worry about it now.
  • We also like to offer recordings of the stories we publish. We're willing to record ourselves reading it and provide music for it, but if you'd prefer to do this yourselves, feel free to have someone in mind.
Rights and Payment

For electronic publication

We'll keep your story online forever, or until you tell us to take it off. If you later publish your story elsewhere, we'd appreciate your mentioning somehow that the Fiction Circus published it first (if we do in fact publish it first.) Ideally you can work that fact into the plot of the story somehow, but if not, just a mention somewhere in your bio is fine.

The Gallery at LPR
158 Bleecker St., New York, NY
Tuesday, August 5th, 2014

All content c. 2008-2009 by the respective authors.

Site design c. 2009 by sweet sweet design