Weeping Willy Ghost Tour
Mikhail Rims
July 22, 2008

The Weeping Wily Ghost Tour was originally started in the late 1950s by Edna Parks, a longtime resident of Leadville, Colorado. Edna was known as one of the pre-eminent historians of the town, and she gave the tour for over 30 years until her death in 1991.

After Edna's death, a number of members of the Knowthing community decided to start up the Weeping Willy tour again in 1992. Mikhail Rims, who claimed to have made contact with Edna during a seance shortly after her death, took on the responsibility of Edna's position as caretaker. Other members of the Knowthing community have assisted with the running of the events.

The itinerary of locations varies from night to night and weaves around the city, but it always begins at the Silver Dollar Saloon and ends near Matchless Mine at the site of Baby Doe Tabor's death. Rims purchased a hearse for the tour in 1995, and the car has been elaborately decorated by Rims and friends. Since 1992, over 8,000 Leadville visitors and residents have taken the tour.

There have been several reports of actual hauntings during the events. Some residents claim that Rims has planted multiple multimedia effects and people around the supposedly haunted locations to simulate the effect, but Rims -- an avid Thelemite -- denies this.