Con Man is Gonna Read Ebooks for A Month Straight in a Glass Box, Like an Orchid
On October 1st, this guy from Canada named David Farrow started reading ebooks for "charity" while living inside a glass storefront at Datavision on 5th Avenue in Manhattan. He will live behind this glass window for a month, sitting in an overstuffed armchair, with a shaded lamp and box of scones. He will be reading right next to the Mid-Manhattan Branch of the New York Public Library, which will soon be closing down due to a lack of funding and interest.

Here is Dave Farrow, calling to you to come and see him:

And here is what he is doing RIGHT NOW (unless he is at lunch):

He is promoting the Sony Ebook reader. Every page he turns will cause Sony to donate 100 CLASSIC EBOOK TITLES (public domain books) to libraries. This whole event will cost them literally no money, beyond whatever they are paying Farrow to sit there and turn pages. Farrow is an old-time con artist, and it is exciting to see him in action. He has leveraged into both the mentalism and medicine show game, and he chooses not to wear a cape for professional reasons that I respect.

He does not have the lip for a curly mustache. If he grew one, he would look like a man who did not survive the Crimean War.

From his website:

Stop Being Embarrassed And Losing Money Because Of Your Bad Memory. Learn The Secrets Of A Guinness World Record Holder To Unleash Your Powerful Inner Genius.

"Dave Farrow is an author, speaker, and Guinness record holder. He also owns WIZARDTECH INC. (a corporate training company) and Accella Scientific (Nano-biotech company).

His record? He memorized the order of 52 decks of randomly shuffled playing cards. And in March of 2007, Dave is preparing to break his previous record by memorizing the order of 62 randomly shuffled decks of cards in a single sighting. That's 3,224 cards in order!

Note: Evidently he did not REMEMBER to update his website before his big Sony gig.

WIZARDTECH INC. provides corporate training as well as public seminars. Clients include: RE/MAX, Freedom 55 Financial, Investors Group, Century 21, CitiGroup, Bank of Montreal, Bank of America, US Army, CFL hall of fame member Terry Evershan, and Academy Award Winner Forest Whitaker, to name a few.

ACCELLA SCIENTIFIC is a Nano-Bio tech company founded in 2003 that is working to bring to market a reliable hand-held HIV diagnostics device that is far more accurate then current lab tests. This invention is based on the patent application and research of CEO Dave Farrow."


Here are the rules for Farrow's gambit, in case you want to go say "what's up, what are you reading, is it good":

1). He reads for 11 hours every day. He is on the clock for 14, but he gets three hour-long breaks, which is amazing in this town as far as labor goes, by the way. I would love his job.

2). If anybody wants to read for him, he gets time off. He can Tom Sawyer all of New York if he wants to.

3). He starts at 6 AM and sleeps in the store.

4). Supposedly, he reads 650 words a minute. Supposedly, you read 250 words a minute if you are an average American.

If your average book is 65,000 words or so, that means that Farrow is finishing a book every two hours, approximately. During his month in the hole, Farrow ought to read about 170 books. He will read 170 times more books than you did this month, America.

We hope the short works of Kafka are on his list.

Anybody want to pay me twelve thousand dollars to challenge David Farrow to a reader's duel? I will sit in the New York Public Library and read regular books for TWELVE hours every day. I will pack my own lunch and eat while I read. It will be a cheese sandwich. I don't know how many books that I will finish, but after the month is over, I will be able to take a year off from work and responsibilities and eat in restaurants.

I will wear a cape.

Posted by miracle on Wed, 08 Oct 2008 02:55:18 -0400 -- permanent link

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