NEW STORY: "To Die For," by Sara Lippmann
Avoid scams and fraud by dealing locally! Beware any arrangement involving Western Union, Moneygram, wire transfer, or a landlord/owner who is out of the country or cannot meet you in person.

$1400 Two Bedroom w/ Kitchen and Liberty View!!!! (Park Slope, BKNY)


Date: 2009-12-02, 2:44PM EST
Reply to: [email protected]

Refrigerator, Microwave, Washer and Dryer
elevator, newly renovated
Polish workmen will have opportunity to gawk at you while you dress and undress and at first this will be a huge problem but then slowly you will discover that this is exactly what you want in your life

* cats are OK - purrrrr
* dogs are OK - woof
* 420 friendly
* you will gaze out on Manhattan and feel a cold sense of satisfaction -- the knowledge that there is no place better and that you belong here. in this, the best place
* your very own door!!!!!!
* ten separate walls, approx
* time alone to think
* the apartment "TO DIE FOR"
* listed by: "Sara Lippmann"

Posted by miracle on Wed, 02 Dec 2009 15:07:40 -0500 -- permanent link

The Gallery at LPR
158 Bleecker St., New York, NY
Tuesday, August 5th, 2014

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