Show Today! Miracle Jones Returns To New York!
The Fiction Circus will be performing today at 3:00 PM at The Ding Dong Lounge (929 Columbus Ave.)

May Day is a day of Morris Dancing and maypoles. Anarchists and labor unions protest injustice. The Queen of May is crowned. Short stories are read.

Fractious Press and Kaboom! Press have been running these zine fairs at The Ding Dong for the last few years, and they've done an incredible job. They have let some of NYC's best writers and zine makers have a place to showcase their work in an awesome bar in Washington Heights.

This event is seriously fucking groundbreaking; this is a literary reading PAYING ITS READERS. This is something that never happens. If Herman Melville's corpse resurrected today and he booked a reading at fucking Madison Square Garden with Moby doing a live VJ set accompanying his new short story, the promoters of HERMAN MELVILLE: LIVE AT MSG would not pay him. They would tell him, "People don't really like to go to literary events. But this is a perfect chance to get publicity for your book! We'll sell 100 Moby Dick copies at least! But of course we can't pay you." The organizers of this event today are paying authors to read stories.

There will be laser beams which trigger the archangelic voice of Billy Corgan meshed with atmospheric chiptunes. There will be hallucinatory dwarven homunculi and strange phenomena which implore a man to follow his own horrible visions. There will be puppets.

We will be selling our wares and drinking heavily, toasting the return of Miracle Jones to this city.

You should come out.

Posted by kevin on Sat, 01 May 2010 06:47:58 -0500 -- permanent link

The Gallery at LPR
158 Bleecker St., New York, NY
Tuesday, August 5th, 2014

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