Which Mormon Fiction Writer Do Mormons Like Best?
Hot fiction news from the Mormon Times, and the answer will not surprise you.

According to Dr. Future (who has conducted an intimate study on the life and passions of Mr. Orson Scott Card), the man would not hesitate to have you killed if he felt that it would incrementally increase his power and influence as a writer and political agent.

According to Dr. Future, Mr. Card is a bad man with an evil heart who purifies himself through his universal themes of childhood struggle on the page so that he does not have to literally wash himself in the blood of young boys as an erotic fetish.

However, we both agree that "Ender's Game" is a pretty fun book, and "insult swordfighting" is still one of my favorite things that has ever occurred within the confines of a video game.

Here! Try it! Remember: there is only one correctly witty riposte per insult hurled at you. Do not forget to scroll down.

HINT: Cyrano could make his repartee rhyme, as easy as picking a lime!


Posted by miracle on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 04:43:02 -0400 -- permanent link

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