Today, We Are On Pirate Radio For You
We will be performing today on Harlem's WHFR pirate radio station at 4:30 PM EST.

If you are not a long-haul trucker passing through New York delivering illegal transfats to powerful billionaire shut-ins and twisting your dial looking for kicks or distraction, you can listen at home using itunes, I think: Washington Heights Free Radio

We are going to read stories and interview each other.

If you ARE a billionaire shut-in who needs a constant supply of juicy transfats to make your crusty gruel puddings that keep you young and vibrant, allowing you to defend your money from grasping relatives, by all means, send us an email, and we can do a deal.

You don't have to depend on the Unreconstructed South for your lipids. We know a way to get you the fat that you need for a reasonable price.

We'll ring the buzzer downstairs. Send away your bodyguards, secretaries, and servants so that no one can blackmail you later. You be ready with a suitcase full of money.

Posted by miracle on Sun, 09 Nov 2008 12:57:40 -0500 -- permanent link

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Tuesday, August 5th, 2014

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