We Are on Washington Heights Free Radio Today!
At 2:30 PM today (February 22nd), the Fiction Circus will be reading stories on Washington Heights Free Radio. You should tune in all day, actually, starting at 1. It's a pirate radio station, so unless you live in Washington Heights, you should catch the show streaming online.

Catch all the action at:


LIVE on WHFR.org
Sunday, February 22, 2009 * 1â€Â"7-something p.m.
1:00 Hozan Shashwaz (electrosaz!)
1:30 Claire O'Connor (drinkinginthedaytime.blogspot.com) (fiction by a Best New American Voice 2010 (live the future!))
2:00 The Paw the the Rabbit (myspace.com/thepawandtherabbit) (a band!)
2:30 Fiction Circus (fictioncircus.com) (a fiction reading aptly described as a "circus")
3:00 Goat's Pupil / Dr. John Lee (an electronic collaboration)
3:30 Ashley Roberts (a reading: "The time you tried to show me your penis in the park")
4:00 Blurple (myspace.com/blurplesi) (experimental folk)
4:30 Audience of Two (audienceoftwo.wordpress.com) (a comedy duo!)
5:00 Clutter (myspace.com/clutternyny) (pots and pans and whirly things that make noise)
5:30 Sabaku (myspace.com/sudan6226) (acousmatic, he says)
6:00 Sarah Dziedzic (a nonfiction reading with birds, Oklahoma)
6:30 Sabrina Chapadjiev (sabrinachap.com) (maybe with kazoo?)
7:00 T. C. Boylism w/ Shay and friends

Especially check out "Clutter," at 5 PM. Their instrument is your kitchen.


Posted by miracle on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 09:24:41 -0500 -- permanent link

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Tuesday, August 5th, 2014

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