We Are Doing a Show This Afternoon in Manhattan -- You Can Listen LIVE on the Radio
The Fiction Circus will be performing today (Saturday, March 28th) at 3 PM at the Ding Dong Lounge in Manhattan. Evidently, the Ding Dong Lounge is the favorite neighborhood bar of the lead singer of "Kansas."

We will be performing for an hour and reading two brand-ass-new stories that you will just dig all to hell, no question.

The show is part of the "Fractious Kaboom Zine and Small Press Fair," a collaboration between Fractious Press and Kaboom Press to vend and promote a whole bunch of impossible to find new and used CDs, zines, books, records, comics, and tapes. The show is free and open to the public, and if you want a table to sell your own goods it will only cost you ten bucks at the door (while space lasts).

If you will not be in Manhattan tomorrow afternoon, or even in the country, the event will be streamed LIVE on our favorite pirate radio station, Washington Heights Free Radio. There will be music and readings from 1 PM until 7 in the evening (but we go on at 3, Eastern Standard Time).

While you are scrubbing your toilet and doing laundry tomorrow afternoon, crank up "WHFR" on your computer and listen in to the Fiction Circus perform stories at a fun punk bar in Manhattan. You fucking deserve it.

Posted by miracle on Sat, 28 Mar 2009 00:22:53 -0400 -- permanent link

The Gallery at LPR
158 Bleecker St., New York, NY
Tuesday, August 5th, 2014

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