Herta Muller Wins the 2009 Nobel Prize for Literature
Swabian-Romanian-German Herta Muller has won the 2009 Nobel Prize for Literature!

Here she is, America. She's the best. THE BEST.






Wikipedia crash!


From the New York Times:

"Ms. Muller was born and raised in the German-speaking town of Nitzkydorf, Romania. Her father served in the Waffen-SS in World War II, and her mother was deported to a work camp in the Soviet Union in 1945. At university, Ms. Muller opposed the regime of Nicolae Ceausescu and joined Aktionsgruppe Banat, a group of dissident writers who sought freedom of speech."

"She wrote her first collection of short stories in 1982 while working as a translator for a factory. The stories were censored by the Romanian authorities, and Ms. Muller was fired from the factory after refusing to work with the Securitate secret police. The uncensored manuscript of "Niederungen" â€Â" or "Nadirs" â€Â" was published in Germany two years later to critical acclaim."

They told her to shut the fuck up and she told them to go to hell.

Every good writer's true story.

Now let's get some translations circulating here in America and then we're in business. Let's see what's under the hood.


You can read an excerpt in English from her new novel "Everything I Own I Carry With Me" over at "signandsight.com."

The excerpt is about flesh, forks, Russians, and a series of secret rendezvous in the park.

It's not as interesting as it sounds. It's got that restrained Euro-style everyone loves so much.

You know what I'm talking about.


Posted by miracle on Thu, 08 Oct 2009 20:02:59 -0400 -- permanent link

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