If You Did Not Come to the Yippie Museum Show Last Night, You Failed

The above photo was not actually taken at last night's "Fiction Circus: Blue Strike Force" show at the Yippie Museum Cafe in NYC. Those who were there know that the above photo was not taken at last night's "Fiction Circus: Blue Strike Force" show, because any attempt to photograph last night's "Fiction Circus: Blue Strike Force" show would have resulted in the viewers of the photograph being instantly turned to ash and salts.

It was on; it was all on. An exploration of the intersection between watching cult recruitment films and watching David Bowie's Labyrinth, as it plays out in the soul of a young independent girl. A story and laser-harp exploration of the social dynamics of a Williamsburg loft party on the part of Goodman Carter, who was locked in the process of slowly transforming into a reverb-drenched Satan as he spoke on the subject of What Dante Really Means To Him. The somber Chavisa Woods reading a story called "Eye of the Tiger," to the accompaniment of Survivor's "Eye of the Tiger," while a gigantic animated tiger prowled and melted in psychedelic colors on a curtain hanging mysteriously from the ceiling of the Museum/Cafe. The presence of the enigmatic Xerxes Verdammt wearing a Sonic the Hedgehog costume, googly, overly-lively eyes peering into the souls of the audience. John Cheever by candlelight, cherry vanilla sodas, the inevitable breakdown as the girls with acoustic guitars claimed the stage and the Circus melted into the night to a bar stocked with Celtic fiddlemen and hamburgers the size of a penny, stacked high, high upon a plate.

This is what fiction means. Even Time Out NY knows it.

And now, once you watch this video, you know it.

Where will the "Blue Strike Force" strike again? What of the "Gold Strike Force," forming Plans and Strategies from a hidden base in the southlands of our nation?

What is the next piece of the puzzle in fiction's future? When will the next seal be unsealed?

Posted by future on Wed, 18 Nov 2009 20:59:02 -0500 -- permanent link

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158 Bleecker St., New York, NY
Tuesday, August 5th, 2014

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