David Foster Wallace's First Piece of Writing
Copied down from the lobby of the Harry Ransom Center in Austin, Texas. The Ransom Center has purchased Wallace's books and papers and is showcasing selections while they organize his papers prior to opening them up for scholarly research later this year.

The poem was written when Wallace was six or seven, and also features his first signature as "David Foster Wallace."


Vikings oho they were so strong,
Though there warriors won't live so long.
For a long time they rode the stormy seas,
Whether there was a great big storm or a little breeze,
There ships were made of real strong wood
As every good ship really should.
If you were to see a viking today,
It's best you go some other way.
Because they'll kill you very well,
And all your gold they'll certainly sell.
For all these reasons stay away,
From a viking every day.

-- David Foster Wallace

Posted by miracle on Wed, 07 Apr 2010 10:18:37 -0500 -- permanent link

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Tuesday, August 5th, 2014

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