FC Blue Team Show Tonight!

New York, NY -- The Fiction Circus Blue Team, a research and literary performance unit based in Brooklyn, NY, has announced that it will perform an experiment on the psychic effects of fiction on the moral center of American womanhood on Saturday, February 5, at the KGB Laboratory Complex and Alehouse in Manhattan.

Does fiction make good women go bad?

The experiment, in abstract, will involve a local woman, Ms. Anja Keister (Glyddin Fawn School for Ladies' Secretarial and Posture, Distinguished Honors 2002), being briefly interviewed by the experimenters before being placed in a Dream Box whose construction permits it to amplify the effects of sentences, images, and literary ideas a thousand fold. The subject will be exposed while within the Dream Box to the literary work of prominent, depressive young writers of the NYC area, including Fiction Circus experimenters Thornton and Carter as well as Pushcart-nominated writer John Fowora and Whitney author and poet Chavisa Woods (Love Does Not Make Me Gentle Or Kind, Fly By Night, 2008.) The stories will be selected with an eye toward existential revelation, alarming literary technique, sex that is unwholesome, and despair and hope in equal measure. The subject will then be studied by a variety of tests to determine whether her normative moral structure remains intact. Refreshments will be served by the KGB's trained bar staff.

Ms. Keister is said to be "excited and nervous" about having her brain scrambled by fiction, and wants to express that she considers herself to be "normal, a perfectly normal girl." Fiction Circus Blue Team members are currently sequestered in an unknown underground location and could not be reached for comment.

The study will be performed on February 5 at 7 PM, at the KGB Bar, 85 E 4th Street, New York NY. The public is invited, free of charge, to view the experiment.


Posted by kevin on Sat, 05 Feb 2011 12:57:19 -0600 -- permanent link

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