Smashwords Book of the Day (2.1.12): "The Roaches Have No King," by Daniel Evan Weiss

"The Roaches Have No King," by Daniel Evan Weiss

Price: $7.99 USD
Words: 74239 (approximate)
Tags: roaches, daniel evan weiss, the roaches have no king

"When Ira Fishblatt's girlfriend, Ruth Grubstein, moves into his apartment, he has his kitchen renovated to make her feel at home. She is tickled pink, but hundreds of other houseguests aren't - the cockroaches who'd been living well, before they were boarded in and starved out. Famine slowly drives them into a frenzy, until one of them comes up with a plan. With the unwitting help of the local cocaine dealer, they'll encourage a romance between Ira and that pretty neighbour, Elizabeth, and so rid themselves forever of Ruth and her tidiness. Or there's always Ira's ex, the Gypsy, who loved to throw tantrums and food around the house."

Posted by miracle on Wed, 01 Feb 2012 16:03:37 -0500 -- permanent link

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